Some called him a genius; others saw him as a reckless dreamer. John DeLorean was the youngest executive in General Motors’ history, the man behind the iconic Pontiac GTO and Firebird, and the mastermind of the DeLorean DMC-12, the futuristic car immortalized in Back to the Future. But unlike Elon Musk, his story did not end in triumph. It ended in scandal. From revolutionizing the car industry to an FBI sting operation and financial collapse, DeLorean’s journey was one of ambition and betrayal and one of the most shocking downfalls in automotive history.
Determined to revolutionize the automotive world, DeLorean launched his own company in the late 1970s. His vision was clear. A futuristic, lightweight sports car that was fuel-efficient and affordable. Partnering with Lotus, he designed the DeLorean DMC-12, an angular, stainless-steel sports car with gullwing doors that looked like it belonged in the future. It was the car of his dreams, and thanks to Back to the Future, it became a pop-culture icon.
But in reality, the DMC-12 faced massive production issues. Manufacturing delays, quality control problems, and a hefty price tag led to slow sales. At the same time, DeLorean’s financial situation started spiraling out of control. His factory in Belfast, built with 84 million pounds in British government funding, became entangled in political turmoil and production delays. As losses mounted, DeLorean was running out of time and money.
With his company on the verge of collapse, DeLorean became desperate. That was when he found himself caught in an FBI sting operation. In 1982, he was videotaped negotiating a 24 million dollar cocaine deal, a transaction the FBI claimed was meant to rescue his failing company. The dramatic footage showed him discussing the deal before federal agents stormed in and arrested him.
But in a shocking courtroom twist, DeLorean was acquitted. His lawyers successfully argued that he had been entrapped by the FBI, who had set up the entire operation. Though he avoided prison, the damage was done. His company had already collapsed, his reputation was destroyed, and his dream of becoming an automotive titan was over.
John DeLorean’s life was a mix of genius and controversy. From his groundbreaking innovations in the automotive world to his dramatic downfall, his story is one of the most fascinating in car history. His dream lived on through the DeLorean DMC-12, but his legacy remains a cautionary tale of ambition, power, and the price of chasing the future.
Watch the full video on Motor 283 to see the untold details of John DeLorean’s rise and fall. Click the link and uncover the complete story behind one of the most infamous figures in automotive history.
Started my career in Automotive Journalism in 2015. Even though I'm a pharmacist, hanging around cars all the time has created a passion for the automotive industry since day 1.