In a groundbreaking move towards the future of mobility, Honda has unveiled its new global electric vehicle (EV) series, the "Honda 0 Series," at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2024. The world premiere showcased two innovative concept models, the Saloon and Space-Hub, marking a significant shift in Honda's approach to electric mobility. Honda's Global CEO, Toshihiro Mibe, expressed the company's commitment to redefining the landscape of electric vehicles. Emphasizing a departure from the prevailing trend of "thick, heavy, but smart" EVs, Mibe outlined Honda's vision for a "completely new value from zero" based on a foundation of thin, light, and wise principles. This vision aims to elevate the joy and freedom of mobility to unprecedented levels. Alongside the announcement of the Honda 0 Series, the company introduced a new logo exclusively for their next-generation EV models—the "H mark." This symbol represents Honda's dedication to the evolution of mobility and its constant pursuit of challenges and advancements. The design, resembling two outstretched hands, signifies Honda's commitment to expanding the possibilities of mobility and meeting the evolving needs of its customers.
The Saloon, Honda's flagship concept model, stands on a dedicated EV platform, embodying the "M/M" (man maximum/machine minimum) packaging concept. Its low and wide exterior conceals a surprisingly spacious interior, utilizing sustainable materials throughout. The human-machine interface (HMI) on the instrument panel ensures simple and intuitive operations. The Saloon introduces advancements in steer-by-wire and motion control management systems, integrating decades of Honda's robotics expertise. Scheduled for a North American release in 2026, this model promises a sporty driving experience and a harmonious connection between the driver and the vehicle.
Developed with the theme of "augmenting people's daily lives," the Space-Hub focuses on creating a flexible space that connects individuals to each other and the outside world. Its spacious cabin and excellent visibility, aligned with the "Thin, Light, and Wise" development approach, transform it into a hub for various passengers. The Space-Hub exemplifies Honda's commitment to shaping the future of mobility by enhancing the daily lives of users.
The Honda 0 Series is a bold venture into the world of electric mobility, embodying three core principles: Thin, Light, and Wise. This series aims to challenge traditional constraints associated with battery electric vehicles. The utilization of a dedicated "thin" EV platform ensures a low floor for enhanced aerodynamic performance, and software-defined mobility products contribute to a wiser and intelligent user experience.
ADAS and Automated Driving
The Honda 0 Series will feature an Advanced Driver-Assistive System (ADAS) based on Honda SENSING Elite technologies, ensuring enhanced safety. In the second half of the 2020s, the series will introduce the next generation of Automated Driving (AD) features, incorporating advanced AI, sensing, recognition, and driver monitoring technologies. This human-centric safety concept aims to provide a natural and high-precision driving experience, expanding hands-off functions for use on both expressways and surface streets.
Connected Technologies
Honda is developing an original operating system for the Honda 0 Series models, utilizing AI and driver data to enhance the ownership experience. The system learns user preferences and behaviors, offering personalized suggestions. The vehicle provides information about the surrounding areas, offers additional route guidance for the "last mile," and continues to evolve in understanding user behavior over time.
Enhanced Aerodynamics Performance
Leveraging Honda's motorsports expertise, including Formula 1 racing, the Honda 0 Series models promise a sporty driving experience. Advanced aerodynamic technologies contribute to superior performance, demonstrating Honda's commitment to innovation and driving pleasure.
New Level of Battery Efficiency
Addressing concerns about charging time and battery degradation, Honda 0 Series models will feature e-Axles for excellent power and efficiency, along with a high-density battery. Fast-charging capabilities aim to reduce charging time from 15% to 80% to about 10-15 minutes. Battery system control technology will target minimizing battery capacity degradation to less than 10% after 10 years of use.
In conclusion, Honda's unveiling of the Honda 0 Series and its innovative concept models marks a pivotal moment in the automotive industry's transition to electric mobility. The company's commitment to thin, light, and wise principles, combined with advanced technologies and a focus on user experience, sets a new standard for the future of electric vehicles. Honda's vision is not just about creating cars; it's about shaping a sustainable and enjoyable future of mobility for everyone.
Wael is an automotive content writer specializes in creating written content for Motor 283. Producing a wide range of content, including blog posts, articles, product descriptions, reviews, and technical guides related to cars, trucks, motorcycles, and other vehicles, with an unprecedented passion for cars, and motorcycles.